La Willy Nilly Crew

Jerry Brewington

, Producer/Writer/Director

Jerry was bruised and braised in NC and calls LA home for better or worse.

Brad Havens

, Line Producer, Unit Production Manager
Brad Havens is trained on both sides of the camera and enjoys the thrill of a live set more than most things. Creative and always looking for new things to work on, the opportunity to be a part of LA Willy Nilly was something he jumped at with enthusiasm. "A funny script, a sharp director, and a solid cast made this indie production an all around positive experience!" Find out more about Brad at: and also at

Eddie Garcia

, Director of Photography

Eddie has been working in photography and film for many years.

Brett Brown

, Sound man

Brett's been kicking around Hollywood for a while, and has been involved in all aspects of movie production. Even helped run some festivals. He's a licensed Captain for ships up to 150', and he lives on a small sailboat.

Hiroky Brewington

, Set Photographer

Hiroky is from Japan and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and beloved mice.